Happy New Year readers!

This is the first time in as long as I can remember that I haven't spent the New Year at a bash with lots of people crossing arms and singing Auld Lang Syne. But from what I've heard, I'm not alone. Gale force winds have cancelled celbrations across the country. My friends in Edinburgh have discovered Hogmany cancelled, the same goes for parties in Belfast, Liverpool, Newcastle etc. I'm not going to a party as I've just taken Heather back to the airport and I don't really feel like it. I think a book and a hot bath will be a fitting way to usher in 2007. I'm reading JPod at the moment, very like Microserfs, or any Douglas Coupland novel for that matter but if you like him, then there's little in this book to take issue with.
Anyway, goodbye 2006, hello 2007. Let's hope it's a good one.
1 comment:
Happy New Year, my friend!
"Let's get rid of another Mook!"
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