A lovely little ditty by Polly Paulusma about having and losing babies.

Following up from her well-received 2004 debut "Scissors In My Pocket", Polly Paulusma continues where she left off delievering ten warm guitar pop songs with her signature husk of a voice. Fingers & Thumbs is the melancholic diary of a depressing and frustrating journey of miscarriages and false starts as Polly and her husband tried for a child. There is light at the end of the tunnel as baby Valentine was finally conceived during rehearsals and born at the final mixing. Production is uninventive but the songs are heartfelt with good melodies that makes for enjoyable, if not groundbreaking listening.
Download: Back To The Start, Where I'm Coming From
For fans of: Maria Taylor, Joni Mitchell, Gemma Hayes
Rating: 3/5
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