Rock music about God has got a bad press over the years. This is odd because song-writers have mined the Good Book for its stories about redemption, betrayal, sacrifice, and love for years. While most 'Christian Contemporary Music' it is derivative of 'secular' artists some can hold its own. It's unfortunate that ill-conceived pre-conceptions will probably stop people listening to 'Break the Silence' because it is a fantastic record.
The Belfast band kicks off with thumping drums, big guitars and a bigger chorus on 'Brand New Day'. Their use of the synth is very reminiscent of The Killers, and elsewhere shows more than a passing reference to Death Cab for Cutie. The majority of the songs are easily accessible sing-a-longs, but that doesn't mean they are lacking in imagination or ingenuity. Johnny Parks has a great voice and is ably complemented by Claire Hamilton. Rooted in it's homeland, the album explores the impact of The Troubles on its inhabitants and their hunger for change and peace. It closes with an epic soaring Sigur Ros style soundscape with "Walk Beside Me Jesus". Hopefully it won't just be people in churches that get to listen to this album.
For fans of: Death Cab for Cutie, Wheat, Arcade Fire
Download: Walk Beside Me Jesus, Our God is Mighty, The Troubles Are Over
Rating: 8/10