I've just listened to the new U2 album - No Line On The Horizon, and it is just me or does anyone else think that the first bit of the opening title track sounds exactly like it is a Kings of Leon album? That said I did think that the last Kings of Leon album sounded like U2. Who is imitating who?
Interestingly my copy of Time Magazine this morning carried a review of the new U2 record. They said it "is mostly restless, tentative and confused. It's not terrible, but it feels like the work of musicians torn between the comfort of the present and the lure of one last run into the adventurous past".
They rated all of U2's albums on a scale between Essential - Respectable - Not so much. While Actung Baby and The Joshua Tree were essential (unsurprisingly) No Line On the Horizon was labeled "not so much" along with Pop.
I don't care much for the single, but the first 2 songs, the title track and Magnificent are pretty good, they have the chugga chugga guitar thing from the edge and a much grittier sounding Bono.
I've been listening via Spotify, which I'm starting to love.
U2 played a surprise concert on the roof of broadcasting house last night. you can watch a news clip of it herehttp://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/entertainment/7915370.stm